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If you're struggling to achieve your weight loss goals, Lipo-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy can and will help jump start your weight loss journey by stimulating fat burning through improved blood circulation.


Lipo- Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is an amazing technique that aids in weight loss and shrinking waist lines. Toxins that your body would normally throw away with the aid of (LDT), excessive exercise or sweating, lying dormant would then be soaked in and around organs and can cause harmful health conditions, including but not limited to weight gain.


LDT has more benefits than just the waist slimming figures, such as reducing cellulite, improved skin texture, aiding digestion, boosting immune function, improving moods and brain functions and detoxification.


Many women and men have found adding lipo- lymphatic drainage therapy to their weight loss routines is an easy way to boost the amount of weight they lose and keep off for a longer period of time. It also helps break through plateaus and assists the liver in detoxification.


Our bodies are made up of a network of lymph node (glands), which run throughout our lymphatic system, they help eliminate our body's wasteful products, weight loss and over all good health can be achieved easily through (LDT). Since our lymphatic system doesn't have a pump to rid our body of toxins, manual, gentle, rhythmic, non-invasive light pressure techniques are done on the skin's surface reflex points, to encourage lymph fluid to flow freely through lymph nodes and rid our bodies of waste.


Applying manual lymphatic drainage therapy a few times a month extending out (6-12) therapies for best over all health, adding a healthy 80/20 lifestyle eating plan (Included), passive exercise and a positive mindset, you are rest assured to reach your weight loss goal.


"Complimentary Palo Santo Home Energy Clearing". 




     With over 30 years of experience in the Health & Wellness Industry, Christina De, possesses a vast and deep range of knowledge with living your best life. 


 She has expertise in addressing sports injuries as a sports therapist for the Houston Rockets in the late 90's, and she is certified in postural alignment therapy (flexology), reflexology, lymphatic drainage therapy, trigger point therapy, energy therapy and nutritional coaching.


 She has created several 80/20 Weight Loss Lifestyle Coaching Programs around the concept that Food Is Medicine and You Can Heal Your Own Body and Mind. 


Gives Intuitive Seers Life Coaching and proficient in Neurological Pathway Emotional Therapy.


Christina De holds the titles of RMT, LLDT, RF, RTT, and 80/20 Lifestyle Coaching.






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NO REFUNDS : Are given on Health & Wellness Programs and Lifestyle Coaching Programs. You agree to a No Refund Service Policy when you make your purchase. Remote Calls- ​72 hrs. Cancellation Notice. Disclaimer: Consult with Your Primary Care Doctor before starting Lipo- Lymphatic Drainage and or Health & Wellness Lifestyle Coaching Program.



Lipo-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

  • This serve is for Out Calls Only.

    Done is the privacy of your home for a total relaxation experience. 

    "Complimentary Palo Santo Home Energy Clearing". 

    Uber Travel Service Cost May Apply Separate From Service Price. 


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