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Get To Know Your Reasons Behind Your Why

Do you ever ask yourself- "Why am I feeling like this? or Why did I say that?"

1 h 30 min
$777 Prepay Zelle
Customer's Place

Service Description

The Lucky 777 may hold the key to your "Why" ? Call Today.. Seers Lifestyle Coaching 1-832-566-0239 There is great power in understanding your motives right now. Knowing your "Why" is the key to fulfillment in all aspects of your life, from home, family, friends, work and passions. When you take a clear stand on your reasonings, your intention will then be a magnet for miracles. Motives, define the nature of your experiences-when you think about something, feel it, and then act on it. We don't always know why we engage in our relationships in the way that we do...we may think we know, but is that the true reasoning why? ...mostly because our feelings aren't always logical. Recognizing, is one key to whether you are being triggered by someone else, or if your behavior is motivated by unresolved issues in the past. When you ask yourself, "Why am I feeling like this? and Why did I say that?" spending some time in introspection, the answers may be surprising. In the end, life is all about being loved. Having a deeper understanding of your needs and how to get them met, are the buried treasures of the "Why?" Uncover them by posing the most powerful question you can ask yourself today "WHY"? Knowing the motives behind your career and creative ventures is the ticket to greater success. When you envision your most prosperous life, are you guided by a sense of purpose or by the need to make money, acquire things, save for the future...or all of these ? Having agendas hidden from yourself will lead to disappointments and possibly failure. You need to start today on being clear about "Why you want the things that you do" ? Looking at your relationships, which will you choose, to open up to the possibility of love, or to remain isolated ?... and Why? Narrow down your life to just a single question: "Who do I need to become, and what do I need to believe, in order to live a life of prosperity, fulfillment and happiness....and Why? Sometimes subconsciously denying the truth may drive you towards a specific outcome that actually aligns with an intention hidden from our own awareness. NO REFUNDS : Are given on Seers Lifestyle Coaching. You agree to a No Refund Service Policy when you make your purchase. Remote Calls- ​72 hrs. Cancellation Notice. Disclaimer: Consult with Your Psychiatrist or Primary Care Doctor before starting a Lifestyle Coaching Program.

Contact Details


lifestyle coaching Houston Heights, Houston, TX, USA

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