3 Reasons Radio Frequency Is The Better Choice For Body Contouring Then (Lipo Surgery)
Areas of unwanted, diet- and exercise-resistant fat are a common concern for many Men and Women alike. Whether it comes in the form of a persistent stomach “pooch", areas of fat around the thighs and inner thighs that won’t budge (orange peel skin or cellulite), or bulges along the flanks and back( "love handles"), localized fat can be difficult to get rid of permanently "Up Until Now" !
Let's back up ..... Liposuction has been one of the leading and most popular top performed cosmetic procedures for many years in regards to fat loss, and with good reason. This surgical procedure effectively, and permanently reduces some of the fat cells in a targeted section of the body during surgery, and refines the body’s contours.
In recent years, nonsurgical or minimally invasive alternatives to liposuction have been gaining popularity. These body contouring treatments typically do not require an incision or anesthesia, and they often come with less downtime, Ultrasound, Radio Frequency, Microcurrent and our signature body contouring energy treatment Bio-Lift ULRF Lipolysis Energy Therapy.
What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a surgical fat removal procedure that first became popular in the 1980s. During the procedure, a board certified cosmetic surgeon carefully and precisely removes excess fat through a small, hollow tube called a cannula. Suction is applied as the surgeon moves the cannula through the fat deposit, removing excess fat cells and sculpting a slimmer body contour.
Liposuction is particularly effective at removing fat in the legs, abdomen, back, arms, face, and neck. It provides more dramatic results than other noninvasive fat reduction procedures, however, it has a longer recovery period (up to six weeks for post op) and a full recovery may take up to 9 months. Typically costs more than its nonsurgical counterparts, in the ball park of $5,000 to $20,000 per surgery
How do Nonsurgical Procedures Work?
Nonsurgical fat reduction treatments use different modalities to target and eliminate unwanted fat cells through a topical, rather than surgical, procedure.
Uses #radiofrequency to heat and destroy the fat cells in the dermis, causing apoptosis or Fat-Cell death. The dead fat cells are then cleared naturally through lymphatic channels and fat reduction results can be seen days and months after treatment.
#Liposuction may be an excellent option for reducing larger deposits of excess fat. It can significantly improve your figure in several areas at once. Some negatives include a higher cost and greater risk for health complications than noninvasive techniques.
Nonsurgical fat reduction may be a better fit if you are already at your ideal weight, have good skin elasticity, and want to target smaller, stubborn trouble spots. However, multiple treatments may be necessary over a longer period of time.
Liposuction is a more aggressive #surgical method of fat reduction and creates a #trauma in the treatment area. Patients will experience soreness, bruising, and swelling for up to 10 days after the procedure and up to 6 months for a full recover. Our Bio-Lift ULRFL treatments is gentle with minimal discomfort, both during and after treatment.
The healing process after liposuction requires clients to restrict everyday activities for several days after the procedure and to use caution when restarting exercise. Our Bio-Lift #ULRFL (Ultrasound Radio Frequency Lipolysis doesn't require an extended healing period and patients can return to normal activities immediately, though slight soreness and swelling are to be expected.
Liposuction results are visible after the swelling goes down and the traumatized lymph vessels and muscle fibers heals, although the final result is not seen for 6 months to 12 months. The results are seen quicker with our non-invasive Bio-Lift ULRFL energy fat reduction and skin tightening treatments, which become increasingly noticeable in the weeks and months following the procedure. While neither liposuction nor nonsurgical body contouring treatments are a replacement for weight loss, Bio-Lift ULRFL Body Contouring does offer a more dramatic and longer-lasting results, in addition to some skin shrinkage due to the melting of #fat deposits in #cells, once they are gone they are gone forever !
Contact our Bio-Lift ULRFL Therapist for a Complimentary Phone #Consultation at 1-832-566-0239 #Houston #Texas to discuss your desire areas for face and body contouring.
Disclaimer : Contact your Doctor before any nonsurgical procedure. Let your skin therapist know of any contraindications you may have before purchase of at home devices..
Follow strict guidelines for use of all at home devices given my your skin therapist.
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Credit Given to The American Board Of Cosmetic Surgery